Have a critical project that needs a high level of execution? Working on innovative projects that haven't been done before? Looking to connect your remote team after a year of virtual work? Or maybe you're ready to take your entire culture (or an entirely remote workforce) to a new level. Then we would enjoy the opportunity to work with you.
We see the untapped potential in each of your existing team members. We help you leverage that to come together, align and commit to take effective action within uncertainty.
Your people are your best and most powerful resource. You know they have untapped potential to take it to the next level. We'll partner with you to unlock it.
We partner with you to co-create the process to ensure that we leverage what works best for your team. With this approach, we are able to establish trust and commitment to create a high-performing team in a short period of time through a 2-4 day in-person intensive program.
It takes more time, however, to develop the required awareness, skills and practices to establish new behaviors and a new culture based on that trust and commitment, and for that culture to become sustainable.
Our recommended approach, therefore, combines pre-work and development of team assessments, an intensive multi-day offsite experience, followed and leveraged by a program of skill-building and practice development to deepen the learning, establish norms and behaviors, and apply the learning to relevant, sustainable initiatives and actions.
This process has proven highly effective at creating increased awareness, clarity of purpose and aligned action.
We typically start with an assessment of the current state of your team/organization through discussion with key stakeholders.
In some cases we can get information simply through a few conversations with you, in other cases, we perform structured interviews to better understand team dynamics and get clarity on desired outcomes, challenges, and opportunities. This allows us to design a process that best meets your needs.
The intensive offsite experience is the fastest way to create connection, build trust, and set the foundation for high performance.
The engaging experiential learning format enables participants to experience unconditional support and get connected more deeply. This upfront work amplifies the following work - enabling deeper, richer conversations, and learning.
The follow-up work is critical to embedding the learning and practices from the offsite event. The offsite experience raises awareness and helps your team see possibilities. The follow-up work is necessary to translate those possibilities into action and to embed practices in your culture.
Follow-up work can be live or virtual depending on the needs and desired outcomes for your team and organization. We provide online content and resources tailored to your team to support learning and ongoing individual and team practices.
We have a range of content and experiences to draw from. We typically integrate these tools around specific initiatives to create quick application and relevance.
*Individual coaching is also available as part of the follow-up process for team members as needed to support the overall process.
Focus | Key Tools and Outcomes |
Foundation to Higher-Performance Intensive Offsite (2-2.5 days) |
Sample of Follow-Up Tools | |
High-Performance Communication |
Breaking Belief Barriers and Creating New Norms |
Making and Delivering on Commitments |
We hear you. So many teams are overwhelmed, stressed, and overextended right now. That's exactly the right time for us. Our experience is that the most resistant team members are often the ones that become your biggest champions on the back end. We create an environment that makes your employees feel cared for and valued, and supports even the most resistant folks.
We don’t do flavor of the month. Our commitment is to transformational change and we work with teams and organizations who are fully committed to that vision of long-term sustainable change. As one client said, "this is the most impactful program we've ever done, and we've done them all". We take the time to get clear on the front end what is required from you and from us to get to the outcomes you desire. If your leaders aren’t ready for the full commitment required for real change and are looking for a simple experience only, we get it. We can help you find the right fit for you.
We are fully committed to you getting the outcomes you desire in a way that works for you. We spend time on the front end to get clear about what outcomes you care about, what challenges or constraints you have, and design a process to best meet those needs. If a shorter program is desired, we get clear on the front end what we can and can't do in that time frame. We only promise what we know we can deliver.
We get it. You care about your people and their wellbeing. You realize that if your people aren't working well, nothing is. Yet it can be difficult to convince the CFO it's worth investing in your people directly. ROIs from human work can be difficult to accurately calculate. That's why we often use a specific project or initiative as a direct application of the performance principles. We also take the time to get clear on what success means for stakeholders on the front end before we engage in process with you. We’ve had great success with this approach and documented significant ROIs.
Some companies use ropes courses as “challenge” courses. Meaning, the facilitators run the show and the primary goal is to complete the challenge. For us, the ropes course is an opportunity to learn about how you show up in situations that are uncomfortable. Every member of your team participates in the entire challenge - your team runs the course, supporting, maintaining safety, and are responsible for creating an environment that allows everyone to thrive. It’s not about the event, but about what each member learns from the experience about themselves and their team. We celebrate the vulnerability that inevitably shows up and the trust and deep connection that creates among the team. This is also why we don’t do “just the ropes course”. The conversations and experiences we have prior to and after the course are what makes it successful and set up an environment of trust, accountability, connection and commitment.
There’s no one size fits all when it comes to building a high performing learning organization. We are committed to your success and know that means something different for each culture. *We customize the experience based on desired outcomes and your team size. Typical cohort sizes for a 2-3 day offsite and followup is 5-30 people.
*Costs for one cohort offsite + followup vary depending on team size and desired outcomes and typically range from $1,500-$3,500pp. Please schedule a call to discuss your specific budget needs and desired outcomes.
Park City, UT | St. Paul, MN
Copyright © 2023 Activ8 LLC. All rights reserved.